Vet Nurse
Ai joined the team in 2020 as a volunteer student whilst completing her Certificate II in Animal Studies. We loved her so much we decided she needed to stay and in 2022 she came onboard in a permanent capacity.
Ai has been a qualified Cert. IV Vet nurse since February 2023.
Ai came to Australia in 2005 from Japan and proudly gained her citizenship in 2021.
Ai has a keen interest in dentals, radiogrpahs and surgical nursing. Our clinic calls her the “Cat Whisperer” as she has a way about her that even the crankiest of cats can melt in her presence.
At home Ai has three feline friends that keep her very busy; Venus (black moggy), Morion (black moggy) & Mahina (seal point moggy).
Ai has many years of barista training and experience, therefore makes an outstanding cup of coffee, which keeps our vets and team very happy.
In her spare time Ai enjoys painting, yoga, and bushwalking. She is also a very talented artist, creating many stunning drawings and paintings.
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